Service dog informational seminars

German shepherd in a service dog vest.

Protect your business from the legal and physical dangers of fake service dogs.

I’m sure you’ve seen many unruly dogs walk through your business sporting a “support” vest, pulling their owner, barking, or even soiling themselves. Pets and fake service dogs can present a real danger to your business, your employees, and even your other customers. You know it is law that service dogs must be allowed inside, so how do you know when you can kick someone out when they claim their dog is a service dog? That’s what the service dog informational seminar is for. I want to arm you and your employees with the knowledge of the protections you have under the law against fake service dogs and pets.

Although under federal law it is illegal to allow animals that are not service dogs inside establishments that serve food (FDA 6-501.115), some businesses choose not to care whether or not pets or fake service dogs enter their business, because, What’s the harm? Right? In Texas, 2021, just minutes from where I live, a small three-year-old girl was viciously mauled by a fake service dog inside of a restaurant. She had to be rushed to the hospital where she was given many stitches in her face. She was later diagnosed with PTSD and shows extreme fear of dogs she encounters in her day-to-day life. Click here if you would like to read more about this tragedy. This is one of many stories that are all too similar. Beyond the extreme of a dog attacking a child, allowing fake service dogs and unruly pets in your establishment can harm and alienate the disabled individuals who truly need to use trained service dogs.

What will be covered in the seminar?


What is a service dog?

You will learn:

  • Basic information about what a service dog is.

  • The differences between service dogs, emotional support animals, and therapy animals, and what protections each of them has.

  • Where service dogs can and cannot go.

How do I know if a service dog is fake or not?

You will learn:

  • What you are allowed to ask a service dog handler.

  • How to recognize fake service dogs.

  • When you can kick someone out.

  • Where to find resources for when people try to argue with you.

What happens if someone with a service dog has a medical emergency?

you will learn:

  • How to recognize a medical emergency.

  • How to handle a service dog in case of emergency.

How do I interact with a service dog handler?

You will learn:

  • How to speak to service dog handlers.

  • All the etiquette that surrounds service dogs to best accommodate your disabled customers or employees.

Physical handouts:

You will receive:

  • Copies of a summary of all the information covered for each employee to keep.

  • An informational poster to hang in the employee area.

  • A sticker for your front window that says “Task trained service animals only”

people sitting in a meeting taking notes

Are you ready to schedule? Or do you still have some questions?

Fill out a few questions about your company, and I will get back to you quickly to get you scheduled or answer your question!

(Filling out a form does not obligate you to schedule an appointment. These are just to help me know how to serve you best!)